Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beyond Your Imagination was a Brooklyn based crew. The crew was most active during the earlyto late 1980s. They hit a wide variety of lines, but were determined to be what we of the older bombing generation called "all city" hitting bmt's  as well as irt's. They they mainly concentrated  on the subway car insides. The RR, N, B, D, J, M, and LL subway lines frequently shocased the efforts of the BYI crew. Membership has included. TRIM, ATCO, TRECH, CHINO, TRACK aka TE KAY, SCOTCH 79 aka KEO, SAST and others INCLUDING MYSELF. THEY WERE LOCATED IN THE FLATBUSH AREA OF BROOKLYN BUT WERE DEFINATELY DOWN FOR THE CAUSE . I WAS REAL TIGHT WITH TRECH AND KNEW CHINO AND LET ME TELL YA THEY WERE BOTH THE MOST DOWN TO BOMB KATS IVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF KNOWING. THEY WERE DEFINATELY DOWN FOR THE CAUSE.....

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