Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well its been a while since Ive been on but Im finally back in the groove of things. For those of you that are not aware , we were recently blessed with the birth of my lil trinity girl on jan 15th. she is presently back in the hospital due to the flu and her immune system was not fully developed so she had to go in asap for treatment. She is out of the red for now and will hopefully be coming home soon.But on another note, let me show a few thangs Ive been workin on for my freind demer"s show as well as my daughter's first throwee I did for her when i went to atlanta a few months ago. This is what I bring to the table . My style will always stay true to the game and I refuse to be one of the many who consider themselves "down" with it but in reality do not even know what it is to even hit a yard or for that matter a layup. yes peaople its sad but true, there are alot of wanabees out there that in my book are more like . fact not fiction. big shout to the FIVE,my tsteamsters,x-men, and of course my TPANIMALZ..... one love . oh. If anyone out there need to thier hands on comics whether it be underground or your basic marvel or DC , check out my boy demer's shop called graffiti comix in jersey check him out on my links.

1 comment:

R777888 said...

glad you baby girl is doing better. hope all is well. dope blog.